The Disciples have a web-based Search and Call system that helps congregations with specific ministerial needs find clergy with compatible gifts and graces for ministry to meet those needs.  Our Search and Call process benefits clergy and congregation alike by ensuring that candidates who are seeking ministry positions have the appropriate credentials to be in good standing with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).  Ministers fill out a standardized profile that helps congregations and clergy alike.  In addition to helping congregations compare “apples to apples” rather than sorting through a variety of resumes, the system also helps ensure that ministers are evaluated only by their skills and abilities rather than the format of their resume. 

To learn more about the Search and Call process, click the following link to the Disciples Home Mission’s Search and Call page:

Disciples Home Mission has plenty of downloadable resources for both congregations and ministers including articles on retirement planning, salary negotiation, closing a pastoral ministry, and samples documents useful in drafting letters of call at the DHM Website

If you have any questions regarding the Search and Call system, please contact the Regional office at 925-556-9900.  It is our desire to help support the ministry of congregations and ministers alike.