Anti-Racism Training

In-person Anti-Racism Training hosted by Arden Christian Church in Sacramento on October 7 from 9AM to 4PM.

Register here...


Clergy in the Region are required to take Anti-Racism Training every three years, so if you are new to the Region or have not had training since October 2020, you will want to register for the upcoming training. This training is open to all who are interested and we encourage clergy and laity alike to attend. The Revs. Paul Gafney, Godfree McIntyre, and Leslie Taylor will be co-facilitating this training. Please bring your own lunch.

This training will include a session with Rachel Bechtol (They, Them) on anti-racism/pro-reconciliation from a Native American perspective. Rachel is a member of the Manchester/Point Arena band of Pomo Indians. They completed an internship with NBA Xplore in Spokane focused on Indigenous Justice with the YWCA and then worked under a grant with the Creation Justice Institute on an indigenous justice research and awareness raising project. Rachel continues to be active as co-head of the steering committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in their position with the State of California. 

This training will provide an opportunity to explore the meaning and impact of racism, as well as practical next steps to help our churches and communities move toward greater equity and sensitivity. As an anti-racist/pro-reconciling, region we bear witness to the Disciples mission of wholeness in a fragmented world. We look forward to seeing you there!

Starts: 9:00 AM Saturday, October 7th, 2023
Ends: 4:00 PM Saturday, October 7th, 2023
Location: Arden Christian Church