Anti-Racism Training - Part 1

February 25th, 2017 From 9:00am to 4:00pm

At Niles Discovery Church in Fremont. 36600 Niles Blvd, corner of Niles Blvd & Nursery Blvd.

Are you unsure what the difference is between racism and personal prejudice? How is racism a system beyond individual choices? Why does racism still grip the United States? And how can we participate as people of faith in its dismantling internally and socially?

If these questions interest you, plan on attending this workshop. You don’t have to have been trained before. All it requires is some time and an open heart and mind.

Note: Standing requirements for DOC Ordained and commissioned clergy now include anti-racism training every two years. Lay people are invited and encouraged to attend.

Registration is $40 with light breakfast and lunch included.

Questions: Contact Jan Warren at 925-818-6530 or

Starts: 9:00 AM Saturday, February 25th, 2017
Ends: 4:00 PM Saturday, February 25th, 2017
Location: Niles Discovery Church