Christian Church of Northern California-Nevada
9260 Alcosta Blvd, C-22
San Ramon CA 94583
(510) 556-9900
(510) 556-9904 Fax
Regional Church
Endowment Funds and Gifts Policy
I. Permanent Funds/Endowment Policy
II. Gift and Bequest Policy
III. Specific Endowment Funds
I. Permanent Funds/Endowment Policy
1. It shall be the policy of the Christian Church of Northern California-Nevada to
maintain and promote Permanent Funds/Endowment Funds for the support of the ministries of
the Christian Church of Northern California-Nevada.
2. From time to time, the Regional Board of Directors may institute particular, specific
endowment funds whose interest/earnings shall be designated for the support of specific
areas of Regional ministry.
3. The administration of any Permanent/Endowment Funds shall be the responsibility of the
Budget and Finance Committee of the Regional Board in consultation with the Regional
Minister-President, subject to final approval by the Regional Board of Directors.
4. In the administration of any Permanent/Endowment funds, the Budget and Finance
Committee and the Regional Minister-President shall seek both to promote earnings from the
fund(s) and growth of principal. Ordinarily, Permanent/Endowment Funds shall be invested
with the Christian Church Foundation.
5. In the event that the Christian Church of Northern California-Nevada ceases to exist,
the disposition of any permanent/endowment fund(s) shall be at the discretion of the
Regional Board, or its duly constituted successor. In no event will control or ownership
of permanent/endowment funds be transferred to organizations or entities not associated
with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
6. This Permanent Funds/Endowment Funds Policy may be changed by 2/3 vote of those present
and voting at any regular or called meeting of the Regional Board of Directors. Thirty
days specific notice of proposed changes shall be provided for the Regional Board of
Directors and its Executive Committee.
7. In the administration of this policy, the Budget and Finance Committee and Regional
Minister-President shall consult when appropriate with the Christian Church Foundation and
Board of Church Extension.
II. Gift and Bequest Policy
1. The purpose of this policy is to establish a pre-determined basis and procedure for the
disposition of funds or other property with value in excess of $1000 which are received by
the Christian Church of Northern California-Nevada as a bequest, gift, or as the
beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
2. Designated Funds --
a) All funds received as the result of a testamentary bequest, gift, or as the beneficiary
of a life insurance policy will be designated as a "bequest," and such funds
will be disposed of under the provisions stated by the giver, provided such purposes are
in agreement with the purposes of the mission of the Christian Church of Northern
California-Nevada, as determined by the Regional Board of Directors. Where possible, such
bequests and gifts shall be received into an appropriate, specific, pre-existing endowment
fund maintained by the Christian Church of Northern California-Nevada, and as determined
by the Regional Board of Directors.
b) Where, because of the intentions of the giver, it is not possible to receive a
designated bequest into a pre-existing endowment fund, the Region’s Budget and Finance
Committee (with consultation with legal counsel, if desired) shall make a recommendation
to the Regional Board of Directors concerning the acceptance or use of such funds.
c) Bequests received in the form of property may be converted into cash at fair market
value if deemed prudent by the Budget and Finance Committee.
3. Undesignated Funds --
All undesignated bequests shall be apportioned by the Budget and Finance Committee,
subject to confirmation by the Regional Board of Directors, to any particular endowment
funds which may have been instituted by the Regional Board of Directors (by Item I.2.,
4. Regarding named funds, the policy of the Christian Church of Northern California-Nevada
is to allow funds to be named after the benefactor, or at the benefactor’s designation,
for funds which are created with a gift or bequest in excess of $10,000. Named funds may
be established only after Regional Board of Directors approval, and may be renamed by the
Regional Board of Directors only for just cause.
5. The Budget and Finance Committee shall make annual reports to the
Regional Board of Directors, including a full accounting of all gifts received under this
policy, of fund balances, and distribution of earnings.
6. This Gifts and Bequests Policy may be changed by 2/3 vote of those present and voting
at any regular or called meeting of the Regional Board of Directors. Thirty days specific
notice of proposed changes shall be provided for the Regional Board of Directors and its
Executive Committee.
7. This Gifts and Bequests Policy supersedes all previous policies.
III. Specific Endowment Funds
It shall be the policy of the Christian Church of Northern California-Nevada to have the
following specific permanent/endowment funds as follows: (as contemplated in item I.2.,
Camp Facilities Earnings from this endowment shall be used to Endowment support capital
needs of the Regional camping site
and program. Earnings from this Endowment will be credited to the CGC Capital Improvements/Gifts Restricted Fund. Expenditure of these earnings is under the oversight of the CGC Facilities Committee per applicable policies of the Regional Board of Directors.
Church Development Earnings from this Endowment would be used to
Endowment support the development of new congregations in Region and
to provide revitalization monies to existing congregations. Earnings from this Endowment
will be credited to the Church Development Restricted Fund. Expenditure of these earnings
is under the oversight of the Church Development Committee per applicable policies of the
Regional Board of Directors.
Pastoral Support Congregations occasionally have a "window
Endowment of opportunity" where the ability to secure full-time
ministerial leadership will enhance the church’s future mission and growth. Earnings from
this Endowment will be credited to the Pastoral Salary Support Restricted Fund.
Expenditure of these earnings is under the oversight of the Church Development Committee
per applicable policies of the Regional Board of Directors.
Youth Ministries The Regional Church is committed to the importance
Endowment of ministries to youth. Earnings from this fund will
undergird that commitment, through support of Regional staff to work with youth and other
means. Earnings from this Endowment will be credited to the Youth Ministries Restricted
Fund. Expenditure of these earnings is under the oversight of the Executive Committee per
applicable policies of the Regional Board of Directors.
Ongoing Ministries The ongoing, daily ministries of the Regional Church
Endowment are strengthened through endowment income. Earnings from
this Endowment will be credited to the Undesignated Endowment Income line item in the
Regional Church’s annual operational budget, per the decisions of the Budget and Finance
Committee and as approved by the Regional Board of Directors.
McCullough Lay Earnings from this Endowment shall make possible
Leadership Endowment grants for lay leadership needs in the Regional
Church and in congregations. Earnings from this Endowment will be credited to the
McCullough Lay Leadershipship Grants Restricted Fund. Expenditure of these earnings shall
be per the directions under which the Endowment was set up originally.
These specific funds may be changed by 2/3 vote of those present and voting at any two
consecutive regular or called meeting of the Regional Board of Directors. Thirty days
specific notice of proposed changes shall be provided for the Executive Committee and
Regional Board of Directors.
The Task Force on Mission and Stewardship, or other group chosen by
the Regional Board, in consultation with Regional Church ministerial staff, will have the
responsibility for making members of the Christian Church of Northern California-Nevada
aware of the existence of the policies and these funds, as well as of the need for support
of these ministries,along with other outreach ministries, and their own congregational
The Regional Church’s Budget and Finance Committee, in consultation with the Regional
Minister-President, shall allocate any current endowment/permanent funds to the above
designated endowment funds, subject to approval by the Regional Board of Directors.
Considered and approved by Mission and Stewardship Task Force, 1997
Approved by the Regional Board of Directors, January 1998