Mission Vision
To cultivate a faithful, growing regional church that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality, and a passion for justice (Micah 6:8):
Creating new congregations that share God’s ancient love in Brand-new ways.
Facilitating existing congregations' radical openness to God's guidance and their communities~ needs (transformation).
Living into our God-given reconciling, open and inclusive identity which challenges the sins of racism, exclusion and oppression.
To educate and empower every congregation to become a healthy, vital and living witness to the love, justice and grace of God through Jesus Christ (Acts 2:43-47):
Claiming a belief in God’s abundance through practicing intentional giving
Cultivating Disciples of Christ to be dynamic "evangels," sharing the good news of God’s transforming love
Developing authentic Disciples leadership for the 21st century church while engaging an ecumenical and inter-faith context
Calling on local congregations to become "Missional Churches" where servant-hood is integral to all ministry
Creating soul-stirring, life-changing, prayer-full worship and spiritual development.
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