Administrative Team

Council Facilitator
LaDonna Harris

Anna Felciano

Financial Coordinator
Andie Raymond

Director of Communications
Chris Gabe

Who We Are

Disciples Women in the CCNC-N Region are an active group of women who serve Jesus Christ through mission, worship and study. Our current and future opportunities are outlined here. You can also check out what Disciples Women are doing across the world.

Our women’s council has a board of women who come together several times a year. We pray, laugh and plan together for the future of the women in the CCNC-N Region. We cooperatively work with the women of the NCNC UCC Region as well. Please email us with any questions, ideas and prayers requests

“Knitting with Intention: A Ministry with Crafts” by Rev. Gwynn Fuqua

Photo of Gwynn The Crafts & Music fellowship at Alameda First Christian began in early 2016 when Rev. Gloria Wilson, Nancy Tajima and I began meeting on Tuesday afternoons to work on our personal projects and invited others to join us. Some brought knitting, some brought crochet, some painted pictures, some sewed wall hangings for the narthex, and some brought musical instruments. The prayer squares ministry grew out of that fellowship. Read more …

CCNC-N Women’s Ministries Council Purpose Statement:
To empower women in their faith for spiritual growth and mission by:
~ Presenting opportunities for support and fellowship, mentoring and spiritual growth
~ Providing education and leader development for congregational and community involvement
~ Equipping women to use their influence and put their faith into action to carry out the mission and message of Jesus Christ.

CCNC-N Women’s Ministries Council
CCNC-N Women’s Ministries Council Job Description (pdf)

GOING GLOBAL with International Disciples Women
Our very own Rev. Denise Turner is a representative to the International Disciples Women Ministries (IDWM). Read her letter in which she tells us about the mission and focus of Disciples Women at an international level.  Read her letter here. 

Women’s Ministry Newsletter