Chuck Blaisdell, Former Regional
Christian Church of Northern California-Nevada
9260 Alcosta Blvd, C-22
San Ramon CA 94583
"On Board"
Some Observations about Church Boards, Church Sizes, Church Styles
Based on my work with congregations and the work and research of others, I would offer
the following as food for thought
Among congregations of the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ), congregational Boards tend to have in practice three functions: information,
administration, and policy-making. These functions also
often correlate with church size and "style" as well
The "Informational" function....
Assumption: The purpose of the church board is to disseminate
information quickly and efficiently to all members
of the congregation
This presupposes that it is in fact possible to get
information to everyone in this manner in consistently satisfactory way. Practically
speaking, this means that either the church is relatively small -- under
about 75 in worship -- and composed primarily of several "family cell groups," or
the church board is relatively large (theoretically composed of 20-40% of the average
worship attendance)
Some implications: 1) this sort of church board tends to reinforce the current size of the
church; 2) this sort of board makes it more difficult to assimilate newcomers fully into
the texture of church life and activities; 3) some functional committees work, some don’t;
most of the real decision-making happens through certain "family cells" and
"opinion-makers" in the church’s life -- which can discourage serious effort by
committees; 4) often in this situation, the pastor functions more as a chaplain to the
current members, is not expected to have as a priority adding new members, and much of the
leadership of the church is vested in the "informal decision-makers" and the
board itself.
The "Administrative" function....
Assumption: The purpose of the church board is to implement
particular ways of managing and deploying church programs and resources.
This presupposes that the church is of such a size that a church board can
in fact do this kind of "hands-on administration,"
always or often functioning as a "committee of the whole." This
kind of board works best when the church is at about 75 to 125 or
so average worship attendance.
Some implications: 1) If or as the church does in fact grow by adding new members, there
is more "administration" to do and board leaders can get easily
burnt-out; 2) The minister may find him- or herself spending more and
more time being a liaison between board members, spending more and more time un-snagging
communications or preventing misunderstandings; 3) Committees can often get to feeling
"dis-empowered" when the board re-visits many details of the work they’ve
already done.
The "Policy Making" function....
Assumption: The purpose of the church board is to give broad
oversight to overall church policy, direction and mission, and
to work closely with ministerial staff as they implement
that direction and mission.
This presupposes that there is a high level of trust
among members and of ministerial staff. It acknowledges that the nitty-gritty
work of administering church life and program is in the hands of the committees
as they work with staff. This sort of board -- and church! -- expects, hopes
for, and is committed to numerical growth. This sort of
board works best and most appropriately in congregations of 150+ in worship and which are
both growing and committed to growth.
Some implications: 1) Committees and committee members are and feel more freed and
empowered to do the work and ministry that they are committed to and which has
been assigned to them; 2) Pastor and Board can spend "quality time" reflecting
on the overall mission and direction of the church; 3) the pastor can be an
informational and motivational resource for committees -- rather than simply a
communications liaison -- because committees are truly empowered to do
what they have been called to do; 3) There is a recognition in a growing
congregation that there must be a variety of venues of communication
among all members -- therefore new members are more easily assimilated in the church life.