169th Annual Gathering of CCNC-N

Annual Gathering Main Page

Workshop: Walking the Labyrinth for Grounding, Renewing, and Transforming Ourselves

Description   Facilitators

The labyrinth is a sacred tool, archetype, symbol found in many cultures around the world. It is not a maze; there is one path in and one path out. The labyrinth's path can mirror where we are in our lives, inviting us to go inward and then return outward. The rhythm of walking the labyrinth-placing one foot in front of the other-can quiet the mind, relax the body, and refresh the spirit-revealing new insights and the possibilities of transformation.

As Disciples seeking to live authentically, to root ourselves spiritually, and to foster a deep commitment to justice, the labyrinth can be an invaluable spiritual practice. It has the potential to reveal and point us toward our most faithful, courageous, and genuine selves.

This workshop will provide an overview of the labyrinth, an opportunity to walk it, and time to process the experience.

  Christy Newton
Carl Cordes
Beth Grose

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