169th Annual Gathering of CCNC-N

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Rev. Godfree McIntyre
Rev. Godfree McIntyre gave his life to Jesus in 1981. He has had rich and rewarding experience working in many different areas of ministry and worshiping in a wide variety of church environments. He is currently the transitional interim pastor at Arden Christian Church in Sacramento. Godfree has 5 children and 1 grandchild. He likes to garden, ride his motorcycle, and write poetry. Godfree has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology with a minor in Communication Studies from Sac State, and a Master's of Divinity from Claremont School of Theology. He has completed 6 units of Clinical Pastoral Education and continues to work as a Hospice Chaplain. Godfree has also completed his studies for a Doctorate of Ministry with the College of Pastoral Supervision and Counseling (CPSP) and is a Supervisor in Training with CPSP. Godfree is a progressive leader with a rich cultural/religious background including Pentecostal, Quaker, Buddhist, and Hindu flavors. As one of just a few transgender persons ordained with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), he is proud to be working with his region toward expansive gender and sexuality inclusiveness. Godfree is also a member of the Christian Church of Northern California Nevada Education Ministries and Justice Commission, and is an anti-racism trainer. He has a passion for holistic social justice, as well as ecumenical and interfaith collaboration.