Visitation Ministries and Pastoral Care

Date: Sep 11, 2024 2:00 PM

Visitation Ministries and Pastoral Care

Ben Bohren Sept 11 at 2 p.m. on Zoom
by Rev. Dr. Ben Bohren

Please note: this workshop is limited to 10 participants. Up to two additional workshops can be offered to accommodate overflow.

How Am I Doing?
A Self-Reflection/Evaluation and Collegial Conversation

Over the years, personal expectations and congregational expectations of pastoral care regarding visitation ministries (hospital visits, home-bound visits, home communion visits, crisis visits) have changed greatly…or have they?

What your congregational members expect of you may vary greatly according to their age; their family traditions; their race/ethnicity; their gender; their geographical location; etc. And what you were mentored, educated to expect of yourself as clergy may depend on similar life circumstances. Recently, Dr. Ben Bohren, retired pastor of 55 years and former Regional Minister of CCNC-N, surveyed a very diverse set of ten pastors from across our denomination. He asked each one 5 questions to help them self-reflect/evaluate their pastoral care practices. Their responses might surprise you! Your own responses to those five questions might surprise you! Dare you invite your congregation to reflect on those five questions-surprise! Let’s reflect and engage in surprising conversations.

Click here to select and register for the workshops.