Date: Oct 25, 2024 3:00 PM
Men at Mill Creek CC in Bakersfield for the tri-Regional Retreat. October 25-27 Men’s fall retreat at camp arroyo, livermore, CAlif. About our keynoter Doug Wirt served as Co-Regional Minister for the Christian Church in Oregon and SW Idaho along with his wife, Cathy Myers Wirt until 2023. He studied for ministry in Northern California at Pacific School of Religion and San Francisco Theological Seminary. He has also pastored congregations in Portland and Phoenix, and served student ministries in Berkeley and Palo Alto. He looks forward to this new opportunity to connect with Disciples in the CCNCN regional church.
Theme:“Hope is real life”Keynoter:Rev. dr. douglas a. wirtromans 8:19“For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.” (NIV)
What is your hope?..
Men’s ministry of CCNC-NRegistration: