Each workshop at the Annual Gathering provides 1.5 Continuing Education Units (CEU) eligible for ministerial standing requirements.
The Benefits of hosting Bereavement Groups for your church and community
Room: Discovery
Facilitator: Rev. Chaplain Mary A. Kearns
Creating Additional Streams of Income for Ministry: An Introduction to Planned Giving
Room: Room 103
Facilitator: Monica Myers Greenberg
Aging Gracefully
Room: Room 105
Facilitator: Rev Leon Bacchues Ph.D.
New Wine in New Wineskins: Navigating Change and Decolonizing Church for a Relevant Tomorrow
Room: Sanctuary
Facilitator: Dr. Sharon Jacob
Walking the Labyrinth
Room: Youth Building
Facilitator: Carl Cordes
The Church has Left the Building
Room: Room 103
Facilitator: Rosario Ibarra
Now What?
Room: Room 105
Facilitator: Rev. August Laperche
What's New?
Room: Sanctuary
Facilitator: Rev. Jesse Kearns
Walking the Labyrinth
Room: Youth Building
Facilitator: Carl Cordes