170th Annual Gathering of the Christian Church in Northern California-Nevada
Friday, April 19, 2023 7 p.m.
*Gathering Music:"Undignified" The Way
"There's a Light"
"Let Your Glory Fall"
"I Will Celebrate"
Greetings from FCC Concord: Leslie Taylor
Call to Worship Rev. Jodi Capitola-Duran
Leader: Come, people of God,
People: Let us journey together!
Leader: Through the uncertainty of the wilderness,
People: Through the uncertainty of our questions,
Leader: God goes with us:
People: Around us, among us, and within us.
Leader: Come, people of God:
People: With our doubts,
Leader: With our questions,
People: With your apprehension and fears.
Leader: Come, people of God!
People: Let us seek not a destination,
Leader: but a journey of growth, imagination, innovation, and inspiration.
People: May we hold our answers gently.
Leader: May we be open to learning anew.
People: Let us lift up our hearts to the Living One,
Leader: Open our minds to the Spirit's Wind,
People: And center our lives in the ground of Christ.
Opening Prayer Haley Monachello
Greetings from The Region and Partners
Rev. Dr. LaTaunya M. Bynum, Regional Minister
Rev. Clarence Johnson, Regional Moderator
Rev. Davena Jones, Bridge Conference Minister, Northern California-Nevada Conference, United Church of Christ
Rev. Angelique Jordan Byrd, Director of Communications, Disciples of Christ
Rev. Dr. Chris Dorsey, President, Disciples Home Missions
SONG: "Lord, I Give You My Heart" The Way
Pastoral Prayer/ Prayers of the People/Lord's PrayerRev. Dr. Leon Bacchues
Sharing Our Gifts Rev. Dr. Chris Dorsey
Please bring your offering forward and place them in the basket in the front of the sanctuary or raise your hand and a deacon will bring the basket to you. The offering will be shared with Disciples Home Mission, Recovery Cafe and the Regional Fund. Make checks payable to CCNC-N. May our giving be generous.
SONG:"Totally Available" The Way
Prayer of Dedication Rev. Dr. Chris Dorsey
SCRIPTURE: Joshua 9: 12-14 Norman Bardsley
Matthew 9: 16-18 Rev. Denise Turner
SERMON:"About New Wine" Rev. Dr. Kelly Colwell
*SONG: "The Summons" The Way
Communion Rev. Renae Earl
SONG: "Take My Life" The Way
Blessing and Benediction Rev. Dr. Kelly Colwell
* Please stand if you are able
Recovery Cafe San Jose
is a healing community for those traumatized by addiction, homelessness, and mental health challenges.
Recovery Cafe San Jose is founded on the belief that every human being is precious, worthy of love and deserving of the opportunities to fulfill his or her potential. In this loving community, people who cannot afford long-term recovery services come to belong, heal, and know themselves as loved.
In this sanctuary from the streets, the Cafe helps participants develop tools and access other community resources for stabilizing recovery. Meaningful daily activities and a positive community are powerful forces that help break the patterns and challenges of addiction, unemployment, and homelessness.
Recovery Cafe San Jose is a place for:
Those who have been recently housed and want to stay on track with their goals
Those who complete residential treatment programs and need daily structure and support
Those living with a diagnosis who need community to combat isolation
Young adults dealing with the pressure to use substances to cope with life's challenges
Parents struggling with substance use who want to keep their families intact
People living on the street seeking to make steps toward recovery and stability
Those who are reentering the community from prison and seeking a sober and strong re-entry
As our community continues to face the challenge of increased drug use among young adults, and growth in the number of homeless encampments, RCSJ invests in daily, accessible, long-term recovery support to effectively address those challenges.
is a hands-on General Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). DHM lives into the Gospel of Jesus Christ by strengthening and developing partnerships, supporting congregational transformation, resourcing leadership development, sustaining faith formation, providing mission opportunities, and advocating for justice, fairness, and equality for all of God's children and creation. Ministries include:
Congregational Transformation -- Strengthening communities of faith
Faith Formation -- Building people up
Pro-Reconciliation/Anti-Racism -- Bringing people together & challenging dehumanization Leader Development -- Equipping people for service
Justice initiative -- Making it right
Missions --Hands on service through disaster recovery, short-term mission projects, Disciples Volunteering, Refugee and Immigration Ministries and more...
Your gifts help the Region to fulfill its Mission and Vision: To cultivate a faithful, growing regional church that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality, and a passion for justice (Micah 6:8):
Creating new congregations that share God's ancient love in Brand-new ways.
Facilitating existing congregations' radical openness to God's guidance and their communities' needs (transformation).
Living into our God-given reconciling, open, and inclusive identity which challenges the sins of racism, exclusion, and oppression.
To educate and empower every congregation to become a healthy, vital, and living witness to the love, justice, and grace of God through Jesus Christ (Acts 2:43-47):
Claiming a belief in God's abundance through practicing intentional giving
Cultivating Disciples of Christ to be dynamic "evangels," sharing the good news of God's transforming love
Developing authentic Disciples leadership for the 21st-century church while engaging an ecumenical and inter-faith context
Calling on local congregations to become "Missional Churches" where servant-hood is integral to all ministry
Creating soul-stirring, life-changing, prayer-full worship and spiritual development.