Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry celebrates Spring Renewal, March 11, 2023, and Fall Retreat, September 8 - 20, 2023. The theme for the 2023 Women's Spring Renewal was Renewal. The keynote speaker was Rev. Dr. Mary Donovan Turner. Dr. Turner is a retired professor of preaching who taught at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley for nearly three decades. She is the author of Saved From Silence: Finding Women's Voice in Preaching, Old Testament Words, and The God We Seek. The title of her keynote was, "They Got Up At Onceā€¦" The Preacher for the afternoon worship service was Rev. Erin Edwards, lead pastor and founder of Live On Purpose Community Church (LOP) in Vacaville, CA. The title of her message was "Now What" based on Romans 15:13.

The theme for Fall Retreat was "We Are One." The keynote speaker was Rev. Dr. Irie Session, Co-Pastor of The Gathering, A Womanist Church of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Dallas, Texas. The titles of her messages were "Weaving a Tapestry of Resistance: How the Women of Exodus Defied Pharaoh and Chose Sisterhood Over Systems", "Comrades in Faith: Navigating Life and Ministry with the Values of Solidarity, Friendship, Respect, Loyalty, " "Beyond Gender: Boundaries, and Discernment Elements That Truly Bind Us in Sisterhood" and "Reclaiming Our Story: Sisterhood as a Revolutionary Act Against Empire." Women's Ministries celebrates the ordination of

Rev. LaDonna Harris, Rev. Renae Earl, Grace Hyeryung Kim, and Rev. Jodi Capitola-Duran.

What are the biggest challenges of Women's Ministry? The biggest challenge is identifying and meeting the needs across a region that is widely diverse culturally, economically, and generationally and getting women involved and actively engaged in ministry.

Women's Ministry is addressing the challenges through Women's Ministry Area Liaisons. The purpose of the area liaisons is to create a more connected Women's Ministry that supports women of the region.

What is something Women's Ministries would like to accomplish? Increase the number of relevant Women's Ministry activities in the region beyond Spring Renewal and Fall Retreat. This includes helping to restart Christian Women's Fellowships (CWFs) where CWFs are inactive and the Leadership Apprentice Program.

Pray that we find ways to get the women throughout the region more excited about leadership in ministry.