Justice Commission

Photo of Victor Smith

JUSTICE COMMISSION MEMBERS: Kyung-Min Daniel Lee, Victor Smith, Jordan Williams, Leon Bacchues, Don Stump, Kim Young, Monica Cross, Godfrey McIntyre, LaTaunya Bynum (staff)

Purpose Statement of the CCNC-N Justice Commission:

The Justice Commission last met January 22, 2022

Next scheduled meeting: Pending

On the agenda:

The Justice Commission has not been active for some time, if you would like to join and be a part of a worthy ministry, please contact Victor Emanuel Smith vsmithmamdiv@yahoo.com or call 209 626 9412.

Be happy to have you aboard!

The Justice Corner wants writers to submit stories to REGIONAL VOICES Contact Jim Thomas jim@ccncn.org

Respectfully submitted: Victor Emanuel Smith MA MDIV, Convener of the Justice Commission