170th Annual Gathering of the Christian Church in Northern California-Nevada

Saturday, April 20, 2023 5 p.m.

Pre Worship
   Oakland Samoan Congregational

   Christian Church of American Samoan

*Gathering Music:
Live On Purpose

"Our God Reigns Forever"

"You Keep On Getting Better"

"How Great Thou Art (chorus)"

Greetings from FCC Concord:

   Leslie Taylor

Call to Worship
  Rev. Tami Groves

One: Because of the rising of the sun in the morning of each new day

All: You are the source of our innovation, God

One: Because of the setting of that same sun in the evening

All: You are the source of our imagination, God

One: Because of the stars that extend towards infinity

All: You are the source of our inspiration, God

One: Because of the earth that sustains life of all sorts

All: Our inspiration, imagination, and innovation are in you, God

One: Because of the love of one for another

All: Our hope is in you, God.

Opening Prayer
  Evan Stanfill

  Rev. Tala Faaleava

  "Rest On Us"
  Live On Purpose

Pastoral Prayer/ Prayers of the People/Lord's Prayer Rev. Dr. Erin Edwards

Sharing Our Gifts
  Rev. Dana Bainbridge

Please bring your offering forward and place them in the basket in the front of the sanctuary or raise your hand and a deacon will bring the basket to you. The offering will be shared with Disciples Home Mission, Recovery Cafe and the Regional Fund. Make checks payable to CCNC-N. May our giving be generous.

SONG: "Called Me Higher" Live On Purpose

Prayer of Dedication
  Rev. Dana Bainbridge

SCRIPTURE: Veronica Dise-Hodge

       Joshua 9: 12-14

       Matthew 9: 16-18

SERMON: "Staying Stretchy" Rev. Dr. Kelly Colwell


       Rev. Dr. LaTaunya Bynum

       Rev. Kyung-Min Lee

       Rev. Dr. Monica Cross

  "Come to the River"
  Live On Purpose

Blessing and Benediction
  Rev. Dr. Kelly Colwell

  Live On Purpose

  * Please stand if you are able

Recovery Cafe San Jose

is a healing community for those traumatized by addiction, homelessness, and mental health challenges.

Recovery Cafe San Jose is founded on the belief that every human being is precious, worthy of love and deserving of the opportunities to fulfill his or her potential. In this loving community, people who cannot afford long-term recovery services come to belong, heal, and know themselves as loved.

In this sanctuary from the streets, the Cafe helps participants develop tools and access other community resources for stabilizing recovery. Meaningful daily activities and a positive community are powerful forces that help break the patterns and challenges of addiction, unemployment, and homelessness.

Recovery Cafe San Jose is a place for:

As our community continues to face the challenge of increased drug use among young adults, and growth in the number of homeless encampments, RCSJ invests in daily, accessible, long-term recovery support to effectively address those challenges.


Disciples Home Missions

is a hands-on General Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). DHM lives into the Gospel of Jesus Christ by strengthening and developing partnerships, supporting congregational transformation, resourcing leadership development, sustaining faith formation, providing mission opportunities, and advocating for justice, fairness, and equality for all of God's children and creation. Ministries include:


Regional Fund

Your gifts help the Region to fulfill its Mission and Vision: To cultivate a faithful, growing regional church that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality, and a passion for justice (Micah 6:8):


Participants in this service

Live On Purpose Band: Chelsea Edwards, Irvina Edwards, Willy Fleming, David Early, Eric Smith

Rev. Dr. Leslie Taylor, Senior Minister, First Christian Church, Concord

Kerry Little, Elder, First Christian Church, Concord

Rev. Tami Groves, Pastor, First Congregational Church (UCC/DOC), San Francisco

Evan Stanfill, Member, Lafayette Christian Church

Rev. Tala Faaleava, Pastor, Puna O Le Ola Congregational Christian Church, Stockton

Rev. Dr. Erin Edwards, Pastor, Live On Purpose Community Church

Rev. Dana Bainbridge, Pastor, Urban Sanctuary, San Jose

Veronica Dise-Hodge, Member, Lafayette Christian Church

Rev. Dr. Kelly Colwell, Co-Senior Minister, First Congregational Church, Berkeley

Rev. Dr. LaTaunya Bynum, Regional Minister, Member, First Christian Church, Alameda

Rev. Kyung-Min Lee, Associate Regional Minister, Pastor, Walking Faith Christian Church

Rev. Dr. Monica Cross, Associate Regional Minister, Pastor, First Christian Church, Oakland